Join us for two sessions in Parkersburg on Friday August 16, 2013.
The first session is about HIV/AIDS in WV. This session will help behavioral health professionals (susbtance abuse and mental health) and health professionals understand the current state of HIV/AIDS transmission and risk factors and the rates in WV. We will also focus on the role of substance use disorders with HIV/AIDS and information specific to the rates of these conditions in West Virginia.
Session one will be from 8:30am-12 Noon. Cost for session one is $30 for WVAADC members and $45 for non members. Cost for both sessions for members is $60 and non members $90.
The second session is about Hepatitis in WV. This session will help behavioral health professionals (substance abuse and mental health) and health professionals understand the current state of Hepatitis transmission and risk factors and the rates in WV. We will also focus on the role of substance use disorders with Hepatitis and information specific to the rates in WV.
Session two will be from 12:45-4pm. Cost for session two is $30 for WVAADC members and $45 for non members.
We will be discussing local (state) policies and resources for testing and treatment in each session.
Presenter Laura Safford-Cathers Ph.D (c) is a research associate & HIV program coordinator at Virginia Commonwealth University Institute for Drug and Alcohol Studies and brings a wealth of knowledge about HIV/AIDS & Hepatitis.
3 ce’s will be awarded for each session for addictions, credit approval is pending for LPC, Social Work, Psychology and Nursing.
Lunch will be provided and will be from noon-12:45.
A block of rooms (8) is being held at the Blennerhassett Hotel for the night of Thursday August 15th ONLY-they are all king rooms at the discounted rate of $109 + tax.
Please use group code 162703 to obtain the discount. These rooms will be released after JULY 25
An additional block of rooms (10) is being held at the Holiday Inn for the discounted rate of $99.99 + tax and the rooms will be released August 8. Please specify that you are with the “WVAADC Workshop” to receive the discounted rate. Call 304-489-4111 and the hotel is located at 225 Holiday Hills Drive, Parkersburg, WV 26104