Danya Institute Inc.

Community Discussion to Address Prescription Drug Abuse and Heroin Use with President Obama

On October 21, 2015, the President hosted a community discussion on the prescription drug abuse and heroin epidemic in Charleston, WV. Communities in West Virginia and in states across the country have been developing and implementing responses that involve all sectors of their communities.

As part of today’s event, the President announced federal, state, local and private sector efforts aimed at addressing the prescription drug abuse and heroin epidemic. These include commitments by more than 40 provider groups – representing doctors, dentists, advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants, physical therapists and educators — that more than 540,000 health care providers will complete opioid prescriber training in the next two years.

In addition, CBS, ABC, the New York Times, Google, the National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball and other companies will donate millions of dollars in media space for PSAs about the risks of prescription drug misuse produced by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. Please learn more atwww.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/10/21/fact-sheet-obama-administration-announces-public-and-private-sector.

Click here for the recorded community discussion at www.whitehouse.gov/live with President Obama and Director Michael Botticelli in Charleston, West Virginia.