Be Someone’s Hero
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About one in five teens reports being bullied, which is harmful, but preventable. This video will support a larger effort on the VetoViolence Facebook page during National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month in October 2017. (00:02:25)
Shane Koyczan’s “To This Day”
This video is recommended for anyone who is being or has been bullied. Shane Koyczan’s artistic vision is hauntingly poignant in this spoken word poem as he describes the profoundly detrimental effect bullying has on a person’s innermost core. It crescendos into a heart-wrenching message of finding hope while surrounded by darkness and finding strength through adversity. This video doesn’t contain any profanity, but does contain references to prescription drugs and suicide. It may not be appropriate for young or immature viewers, but everyone else should watch it. This video is available on the No Kidding? Me Too! YouTube channel. (00:07:37)
Girl Scouts Speak Out: Cliques
This video, created by troop members from Virginia, was the “It doesn’t have to be like this” theme winner for the 2012 Girl Scouts PSA contest. The clip emphasizes that strength in numbers counteracts bullying among young girls and would be beneficial for female students and those working them. This video is available at http://speakout.girlscouts.org/. (00:01:00)
It Gets Better Project
The It Gets Better Project has grown enormously over the past couple of years in light of the recent tragic suicides of LGBT youth because of bullying. The It Gets Better Project features videos from millions of viewers, LGBT celebrities, and LGBT celebrity allies. This particular video is of President Obama, who speaks out against bullying and discrimination of any kind. A video with any celebrity could be effective for a specific age group or target population, depending on that group’s interests. All of these videos can be found on the It Gets Better Project’s YouTube channel. (00:03:08)
Stop Bullying Workshop 2 – Mental Health
This video is targeted toward mental health workers, including school counselors and psychologists. School counselor Stan Davis suggests that consistent and structured counseling interventions work best to counter bullying in schools. He advises counselors that in order for bullies to feel the consequences of their actions, they need to reflect on what they did that impacted the other student. Davis believes this is necessary because students who bully do gain some reward in being mean to other students. In the video, we see Mr. Davis at work as he reveals strategies useful for mental health professionals in such a setting. This video was created by the Department of Health and Human Services. (00:07:50)
Scott Hirschfeld on Cyberbullying
This short video is basically a literature review of the recent research on cyberbullying and the impact it has on students. It provides statistics and is geared more towards professionals, but students and parents would benefit from the message as well. This video was created by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and is one of many videos available on the Anti-Defamation League YouTube channel. (00:03:34)