Danya Institute Inc.


Webinar – Meet your new clients: Hispanics and Latinos

The National Hispanic and Latino ATTC will be featuring Dr. Luis Torres, member of our panel of experts, scholar, and researcher  on co-occurring mental health, substance abuse, and medical disorders in adolescents and young adults, with particular emphasis on Latinos in the U.S. and Latin Americans in their countries of origin. Dr. Torres is assistant […]

Save the date: Advancing Latino Behavioral Health: From Margin to Mainstream Conference

  Latino Behavioral Health Institute presents our 19th Annual Conference:  “Advancing Latino Behavioral Health: From Margin to Mainstream” September 10-13, 2013 Location: Sheraton Downtown Los Angeles 711 S. Hope St. Los Angeles CA 90017 Tel: 213-488-3500 For more information visit LBHI at www.lbhi.org or contact us at 818-713-9595.