Danya Institute Inc.

Surgeon General’s Latest Advisories

May 2023

This month, the Surgeon General released two new advisories. Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation focuses on the powerful effects of social connection on our health. Social Media and Youth Mental Health examines the current evidence on the impacts of social media on the mental health of children and adolescents, and steps needed to ensure social media is safe for youth.

Advisory: The Healing Effects of Social Connection

Connection plays a critical role in individual, community, and societal health. This advisory calls attention to that role and offers a framework for how we can all contribute to improving social connection.


Social Media and Youth Mental Health

This Advisory describes the current evidence on the impacts of social media on the mental health of children and adolescents. It states that we cannot conclude social media is sufficiently safe for children and adolescents and outlines immediate steps we can take to mitigate the risk of harm to children and adolescents.