Danya Institute Inc.

Best Practices

We Think Twice™ Mental Health for Young Men – Partner Promotional Toolkit

Help young men develop good mental health practices. Share the latest resource from We Think Twice™, designed to encourage self-awareness and offer a set of tools for managing mental health. The new webpage can be found here: https://www.wethinktwice.acf.hhs.gov/mental-health

Apathy vs Advocacy Improving Access to Care in Communities of Color

January 11th, 2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm EST Presenter: Rev. Thurston Smith While access to comprehensive healthcare services is essential to quality of life and undeniably the most important factor in the prevention of premature death, the management of disease, and promotion and maintenance good health, African Americans and other marginalized populations continue to […]

New Year’s Resolutions: Building Good Mental Health Habits

Date: December 27, 2023 Category: Mental Health By: Anita Everett, M.D. DFAPA, Director of the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)   Happy New Year! By now, the hustle and bustle and stress of the holiday season is behind us. You have probably spent weeks shopping, gift-giving, and visiting with friends and family – mostly time spent focusing […]

Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention for LGTBTQIA2S+ Youth

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center in partnership with NORC at the University of Chicago, developed a full series of resource guides to help professionals, families, and communities support the mental well-being of the LGBTQIA2S+ youth.

Practical Tools for First Responders

Connecting Communities to Substance Use Services: Practical Tools for First Responders This guide provides practical, evidence-based information that first responder agencies, their partners, and communities can use to implement or expand practices and programs for linking people to substance use services.

Best Practices ~ Reentry

Best Practices for Successful Reentry From Criminal Justice Settings for People Living With Mental Health Conditions and/or Substance Use Disorders This guide examines the types of interventions that support successful reentry for adults with mental health conditions and/or substance use disorders who are leaving jail/prison.

Central East ATTC Event

Contingency Management and Stimulant Use Webinar Series Session 4: Roundtable and Case Example Exploration Contingency Management and Stimulant Use Webinar Series Session 1: Foundations   Fostering Family Acceptance with Parents and Caregivers of LGBTQ Youth     Mobilizing Hope: Integrating SUD Services in Mobile Health Units https://attcnetwork.org/event/introduction-to-the-national-enhanced-clas-standards-understanding-disparities-and-building-health-equity-part-2-culturally-and-linguistically-appropriate-services/   The Training Point: an uncommon learning exchange […]

National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month 2023 National Recovery Month 2022 National Recovery Month 2021 National Recovery Month 2020 National Recovery Month 2019 National Recovery Month 2018

Central East PTTC event

https://umsystem.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtc-GpqzkqGdYm_89qWUezVhfPcxXmy8lQ#/registration   ehavioral Health Providers to Address and Prevent Addiction   https://pttcnetwork.org/event/stigma-and-substance-use-prevention-part-1-the-impacts-of-stigma-2/   Understanding Addiction: Moving Throughout the Spectrum of Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Interventions Identifying and Addressing Substance Use Trends in the United States and the Central East Region The Ethics of Authentic Connections and Healing Boundaries The Social Determinants of Health and Environmental […]

SAMHSA TIP 64: Peer Support

TIP 64: Incorporating Peer Support Into Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services This TIP supports learning about the key aspects, functions, and uses of Peer Support Services (PSS) in recovery from problematic substance use, which will help providers, supervisors, and administrators in SUD treatment programs better understand and respond to these changes. June 2023 Download here.