Danya Institute Inc.

Recovery Plan Development (Eastern Region)

Recovery Plan Development (Eastern Region)

Event Type: Educational Event
What: Participants will be able to help individuals in recovery identify and record individual goals, resources, strengths and skills, and resolve barriers to achieving goals in the eight life domains: Recovery from substance use or abuse, Living and financial independence, Employment and Education, Relationships and social support, Medical Health, Leisure and recreation, Independence from legal problems and institutions and Mental wellness and spirituality
When: 10/25/2013;  9:00 AM To 4:30 PM
Where: The location of this event has yet to be decided.
For more information, contact: Courtney Washington – The Danya Insitute
Phone: 2406451145
Fax: 301-565-3390
Email: [email protected]
Registration: Go to https://docs.google.com/a/danyainstitute.org/forms/d/1_mvAkM1f2axx0CPMt6IfRDZflnseZgTsceASjoky52M/viewform