Danya Institute Inc.

Drug Overdose Deaths Decline Slightly

From CDC NCHS For the first time in a decade, overdose deaths declined by 4.6 percent. Although great news, vigilance to bring the number of overdose deaths to zero, must continue. Continue to full report



Brain Chip to Curb Addiction

From Addiction Center Chip Implanted in Brain May Help Curb Opioid Addiction by Krystina Murray | January 30, 2020 Making Strides to Fight Opioid Cravings with Brain Chip Technology An Independent news article tells of a man who has undergone surgery to help him with addiction. Gerod Buckhalter has faced drug overdoses and has a chip inserted in his brain. […]

Treatment Lacks for Youth After Overdose

From  NIH Director’s Blog, January 28th, 2020 After Opioid Overdose, Most Young People Aren’t Getting Addiction Treatment Drug overdoses continue to take far too many lives, driven primarily by the opioid crisis (though other drugs, such as methamphetamine and cocaine, are also major concerns). While NIH’s Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative is taking steps to […]