Danya Institute Inc.

White House Panel Recommends Declaring National Emergency on Opioids

From the New York Times. Click here to view the entire article. By Abby Goodnough WASHINGTON — President Trump’s commission on the opioid crisis asked him Monday to declare a national emergency to deal with the epidemic. The members of the bipartisan panel called the request their “first and most urgent recommendation.” Mr. Trump created […]

Why We Should Say Someone Is A ‘Person With An Addiction,’ Not An Addict

From NPR. To view the entire article, click here. by Maia Szalavitz For years, people with addiction have wondered when the media would recognize our condition as a medical problem, not a moral one — when they would stop reducing us to mere “addicts” and speak of us in the more respectful and accurate “person […]

Improving Treatment Outcomes for Individuals With Co-Occurring SUDs and Bipolar Disorder

From SAMHSA: To download the Advisory, click here. Advisory: An Introduction to Bipolar Disorder and Co-Occuring Substance Use Disorders Research suggests that 30 percent to more than 50 percent of people with bipolar disorder will develop a substance use disorder (SUD) sometime during their lives. Co-occurrence can complicate diagnosis and treatment of SUDs. However, treatment […]

Opioid Crisis: NIH Launches New Push to Fight Epidemic

From NBC News. To read the full article, click here. by Maggie Fox The National Institutes of Health announced a new push Wednesday to fight the opioid crisis, with fresh efforts to develop better drugs to fight addiction, to treat pain, and to stop overdoses. The giant agency — the world’s biggest funder of medical […]