Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare This compelling 90-minute documentary was directed by Susan Frömke and Matthew Heineman. It endeavors to tackle the complex subject of what is wrong with the healthcare system in America but how it should be fixed. While it is not the first documentary with such ambitions (attempted before […]
Health Reform
Fulfilling America’s Compact with our Veterans by Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation The Danya Institute is please to present this regular series of orignal articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare. Our latest article is by special guest author Ron Manderscheid, PhD , Executive Director of the National Association of County Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Directors. Fulfilling America’s […]
2012 Mid-Atlantic Behavioral Health Conference Highlight: Mady Chalk on a New Era for Behavioral Health
Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation The Danya Institute is pleased to present this regular series of orignal articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare. Our latest article is by special guest author Douglas Canter. Dr. Mady Chalk, a recognized expert in the field of substance abuse policy and health care […]
Mid-Atlantic Behavioral Health Conference: Partners in a New World “Tackling Challenges in the Integrated Health Workforce” Summary
The Danya Institute is please to present this regular series of orignal articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare. Our latest article is by special guest author Gayle Morris. In this video, part of the 2012 Mid-Atlantic Behavioral Health Conference, Laura Galbreath is the guest speaker from the SAMHSA/HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions, […]
Joint Meeting of SAMHSA’s Advisory Committees Live Webcast Meeting
August 9, 2012 | 10 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time Agenda Report from the SAMHSA Administrator Update on SAMHSA’s budget Discussion regarding the impact of Federal health reform and state budgets on mental health and substance abuse programs Update on health care reform: The following advisory councils and committees will be participating […]
The Intersection of HIV/AIDS and Behavioral Health within the Caribbean Diaspora: From DC to Town
In honor of the 2012 International AIDS Conference, The Danya Institute, Inc. convened AIDS 2012 participants interested in networking with others interested in the topic: “The Intersection of HIV/AIDS and Behavioral Health within the Caribbean Diaspora: From DC to Town” last week at the Embassy of Trinadad and Tobago. Highlights of the event here:
New Policy paper examines Small Business Insurance Exchanges
According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act states will be required: “to create health insurance exchanges, or marketplaces, where small businesses can review, compare, and purchase health insurance. They are one of two types of exchanges that are to be created under the law, the second of […]
Common Ground: Integrated Services of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Clinical Trials Network Symposium A day long science-to-practice symposium with lectures and lively discussion about the future of combined services, and our shared philosophies. Sponsored by: Mid-Atlantic Node Clinical Trails Network at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Central East), Maryland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration and Maryland Hygiene […]