Danya Institute Inc.

FDA Approves New Potent Opioid

From NPR. Despite Warnings, FDA Approves Potent New Opioid Painkiller by Jake Harper The Food and Drug Administration has approved a potent new opioid painkiller, despite warnings from physician critics who say the drug will contribute to the addiction epidemic. Dsuvia, a 3-millimeter-wide tablet of sufentanil made by AcelRx, came before an FDA advisory committee […]

Every U.S. Public Library and YMCA Will Soon Get Narcan for Free

From Time. by Jamie Ducharme Every public library and YMCA in the U.S. may soon be equipped with Narcan, in an effort to combat drug-related deaths by expanding access to the opioid-overdose-reversing naloxone nasal spray. Emergent BioSolutions, which this month completed its acquisition of Narcan maker Adapt Pharma, will provide a free kit including two doses of […]

NIDA Announces New Opioid Tx ED Resources

From NIDA. New opioid treatment resources for emergency department clinicians Announcement | October 03, 2018 The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) today announced the availability of informational resources for clinicians interested in initiating buprenorphine treatment in emergency department settings. Buprenorphine is one of several medicines available for use in many emergency departments to treat […]

HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis, by Race and Ethnicity — United States, 2014–2016

From the CDC. Huang YA, Zhu W, Smith DK, Harris N, Hoover KW. HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis, by Race and Ethnicity — United States, 2014–2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018;67:1147–1150. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6741a3 Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with a daily, oral pill containing antiretroviral drugs is highly effective in preventing acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (1–4). […]

2nd Needle Exchange Program Opens in Richmond

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Second needle exchange program launches at Richmond free clinic with RPD support by Bridget Balch Virginia’s second needle exchange program — an initiative aimed at reducing the risk of spreading bloodborne disease by offering clean needles to injection drug users — was launched in Richmond this week. The Health Brigade, formerly […]

U.S. Needs More Tx for Addiction & Pain

From USA Today NIH director: US needs more treatments for opioid addiction, chronic pain by Ken Alltucker The head of the National Institutes of Health said Wednesday that science can help the nation find newer and smarter ways out of an epidemic that resulted in more than 49,000 opioid overdose deaths last year. NIH Director Francis […]

Maryland Opioid Overdoses Increase 14.8%

From the Baltimore Sun Opioid overdoses in Maryland increased 14.8 percent in first six months of 2018 by Andrea K. McDaniels The number of opioid overdoses in Maryland increased 14.8 percent in the first half of the year as public health officials and others continue to struggle to get a handle on the epidemic.Opioid overdoses […]

Overdose Deaths Reach a Record High in Delaware

From Courier Express by Rob Petree A record number of people died in Delaware from suspected overdoses in August, according to reports from the Delaware Division of Forensic Science. The monthly total of 39 deaths was the highest since the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) began tracking deaths from suspected overdoses in late […]

2018 Annual Surveillance Report of Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes

From the CDC. This report brings together the latest data available on the drug overdose epidemic in America, including opioid prescribing patterns, and various health behaviors and outcomes such as drug use and nonfatal overdoses and deaths. Prescription drug misuse, illicit drug use, substance use disorder, and overdose remain critical issues in the United States, […]