Danya Institute Inc.

WV to receive supplemental funding to fight opioid crisis

From SAMHSA – Press Release SAMHSA directing supplemental funding to three states hit hard by opioid crisis Tuesday, March 20, 2018 Rockville, MD – The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) on Monday announced it will award additional grant funding to three states that have been hit especially hard by the national opioid […]

ED opioid overdose visits rise 30% across U.S.

From the CDC. MMWR, March 9, 2018/67(9);279-285 Vital Signs: Trends in Emergency Department Visits for Suspected Opioid Overdoses – United States, July 2016-September2017 Data from emergency departments (EDs) show that the U.S. opioid overdose epidemic continues to worsen, according to the latest Vital Signs report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The report examines […]

Child Opioid Overdoses Nearly Double in Last Decade

From Newsweek By Tracy Lee Children are becoming “second victims” in the adult opioid epidemic. According to a study released Monday, youth admission to U.S. hospitals nearly doubled. The number of children admitted to hospitals and pediatric intensive care units for opioid-related cases rose from 797 patients between 2004 and 2007, to 1,504 patients between 2012 and 2015. […]

Region 3 in desperate need of providers to fight #OpioidEpidemic

From the Hill. Study: Not Enough Providers to Address Opioid Epidemic in 11 states by Jessie Hellmann States in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic don’t have enough doctors to address the opioid epidemic, according to a new study released this week. Eleven states and the District of Columbia lack an adequate number of providers to prescribe […]

DEA to allow PAs and NPs to dispense MAT

From The Fix. DEA Increases Access to Medication-Assisted Treatment More qualified medical professionals are now allowed to prescribe buprenorphine, an opioid dependency medication. A new deregulatory measure will allow nurse practitioners and physician assistants to prescribe and dispense the opioid dependency drug buprenorphine, which will grant increased access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in areas of the country where […]

NREPP Suspended

From the Washington Post. Trump administration freezes database of addiction and mental health treatments Federal health officials have suspended a program that helps thousands of professionals and community groups across the country find effective interventions for preventing and treating mental illness and substance-use disorders. The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) is housed within the […]

The Link Between Opioid Overdoses and Amnesia Is Only Getting Stronger

From the Atlantic. Read the full article. by Lauren Aguirre As more cases turn up, doctors are concerned about the extent to which memory loss may be undetected. Just over five years ago, a man suffering from amnesia following a suspected drug overdose appeared at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Burlington, Massachusetts, a Boston […]
