Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): Enrollment and consumer information: Health Insurance Marketplace Information: The Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight: Publications and Articles: Multimedia information: Widgets and Badges: Spanish materials: Other language materials: Fact Sheets for other programs such as SNAP, WIC, Head Start, […]
September is Recovery Month!
Recovery Month promotes the societal benefits of prevention, treatment, and recovery for mental and substance use disorders, celebrates people in recovery, lauds the contributions of treatment and service providers, and promotes the message that recovery in all its forms is possible. Recovery Monthspreads the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention […]
A Look at the New DSM-5
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) released the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) in May 2013. Like the DSM-IV-TR, which it replaced, the DSM-5 provides diagnostic criteria – descriptions and symptoms – for every known mental disorder. It is considered the leading resource for making psychiatric diagnoses and is used […]
The ValueOptions Maryland, Clinical Trainer
The ValueOptions Maryland, Clinical Trainer position is a full-time position with benefits Responsibilities: · Develop and maintain training materials for the Clinical Department and external customers · Orient all Clinical Department staff to Maryland’s Public Mental Health System (PMHS) and their role in Care Management · Train internal staff (and external customers) on how to use the […]
Virginia Commonwealth University Lecture – July 17
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine The Dean’s Biomedical Research Seminar ___________________________ Nora Volkow, M.D. Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse National Institutes of Health _____________________________ Addiction: Conflict between Brain Circuits Role of Genes, Development and the Social Environment ______________________________ Abstract: Studies employing neuroimaging technology paired with behavioral measurements, and more recently genetics, have led […]
West Virginia Training Opportunity: Ethics For the Addiction Professional & Clinical Supervision
Join Us for Seasons of Workforce Development Summer Session I Ethics For the Addiction Professional & Clinical Supervision Thursday , July 18, 2013 Join Linda Mealey, MA, LSW, ADC & Susie Mullens MS, LPC, ALPS, AADC-S, Licensed Psychologist for a day of discussion about ethics and clinical supervision designed for the addiction professional as well as LPC, SW […]
Brave New World 2013 Symposium Highlight: Fiona McTavish, MS on Using Mobile Phones and Laptops for Relapse Prevention
On March 8, 2013, Fiona McTavish, MS, shared the encouraging results of her team’s innovative research using smartphones to prevent substance abuse relapse to conference attendees at the “Brave New World: Using Technology to Enhance Behavioral Health” Symposium in Baltimore, Maryland. McTavish and her colleagues have made use of laptops and mobile phones for those […]
Save the date: Advancing Latino Behavioral Health: From Margin to Mainstream Conference
Latino Behavioral Health Institute presents our 19th Annual Conference: “Advancing Latino Behavioral Health: From Margin to Mainstream” September 10-13, 2013 Location: Sheraton Downtown Los Angeles 711 S. Hope St. Los Angeles CA 90017 Tel: 213-488-3500 For more information visit LBHI at or contact us at 818-713-9595.
Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation – Welcome to Planet Teen
2012 Mid-Atlantic Behavioral Health Conference Highlight: Dr. Marc Fishman presents Welcome to Planet Teen, (or, This is Your Brain on Adolescence) The Danya Institute is pleased to present this regular series of original articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare. Our latest article is by special guest author Stephanie Sisneros. Dr. Marc Fishman, MD, an expert […]
Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation – Embracing Self-Discovery and Renewal
2012 Mid-Atlantic Behavioral Health Conference Highlight: Jacqueline Coleman on Embracing Self-Discovery and Renewal The Danya Institute is pleased to present this regular series of original articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare. Our latest article is by special guest author Bernadette Cash. Jacqueline Coleman M.Ed, M.S.M., owner of a personal consulting company, was the concluding speaker […]