Danya Institute Inc.


Central East MHTTC Event

Maternal Mental Health and Grief in the Black Community Addressing Stigma Related to SUD/OUD Among Black and Latinx Mothers   Providing Culturally Sensitive Care for Black and Latinx Mothers with Mental Health Diagnoses   Black & Brown Latinx Perinatal PTSD Series: Understanding the Intersectionality of Race, Culture, and Perinatal PTSD   Early Stage Psychosis: The […]

Central East PTTC event

https://umsystem.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtc-GpqzkqGdYm_89qWUezVhfPcxXmy8lQ#/registration   ehavioral Health Providers to Address and Prevent Addiction   https://pttcnetwork.org/event/stigma-and-substance-use-prevention-part-1-the-impacts-of-stigma-2/   Understanding Addiction: Moving Throughout the Spectrum of Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Interventions Identifying and Addressing Substance Use Trends in the United States and the Central East Region The Ethics of Authentic Connections and Healing Boundaries The Social Determinants of Health and Environmental […]

May 25, 2023 Training Bulletin

Training bulletin, May 25, 2023 “Equity can never become a reality in education if it’s viewed as charity instead of professional obligation.” — Dr. Anthony Muhammad #webinars #trainings #addiction #mentalhealth #Prevention #ATTC #mhttc #PTTC #recovery #mentalillness #opioids #resilience #HIV #substanceusedisorder #disparities #PTSD #hiring #jobopening

Eating Disorders Webinar

Eating Disorders Series. Part 2: Symptom Substitution, Trauma and the Hidden Addiction of Eating Disorders Webinar | March 4, 2021 | 11:00 AM EST

Medication for Opioid Use Disorder

Join Us in February & March 2021 for this special virtual event! In conjunction with Anne Arundel County, we present a three-part anti-stigma training series on Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) to address and debunk popular beliefs and myths around opioid prescribing. MOUD has previously referred to as medication-assisted treatment (MAT). We would like to welcome MOUD prescribers, […]

Central East Suicide Risk, Assessment, and Intervention webinar

Suicide Risk, Assessment, and Intervention: Skill Building Lab February 23, 2021 | 10:00am – 12:00pm This is a collaborative webinar with the Central East ATTC, Central East MHTTC, Central East PTTC, and the MidAtlantic AETC.