Danya Institute Inc.

Harm reduction

Central East ATTC Event

Contingency Management and Stimulant Use Webinar Series Session 4: Roundtable and Case Example Exploration Contingency Management and Stimulant Use Webinar Series Session 1: Foundations   Fostering Family Acceptance with Parents and Caregivers of LGBTQ Youth     Mobilizing Hope: Integrating SUD Services in Mobile Health Units https://attcnetwork.org/event/introduction-to-the-national-enhanced-clas-standards-understanding-disparities-and-building-health-equity-part-2-culturally-and-linguistically-appropriate-services/   The Training Point: an uncommon learning exchange […]

Central East PTTC event

https://umsystem.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtc-GpqzkqGdYm_89qWUezVhfPcxXmy8lQ#/registration   ehavioral Health Providers to Address and Prevent Addiction   https://pttcnetwork.org/event/stigma-and-substance-use-prevention-part-1-the-impacts-of-stigma-2/   Understanding Addiction: Moving Throughout the Spectrum of Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Interventions Identifying and Addressing Substance Use Trends in the United States and the Central East Region The Ethics of Authentic Connections and Healing Boundaries The Social Determinants of Health and Environmental […]

Opioid pain meds get new safety warning

From MedPage Today All Opioid Pain Meds to Get New Safety Warnings, FDA Says — Updated labeling to include warning about opioid-induced hyperalgesia The FDA is making several updates to the prescribing information for opioid pain medications to provide guidance on safe use, according to a Drug Safety Communicationopens in a new tab or window, […]

FDA to Restrict Xylazine

From the FDA February 28, 2023 FDA Takes Action to Restrict Unlawful Import of Xylazine Agency Aims to Maintain Availability for Legitimate Use in Animals while Preventing Importation for Illicit Purposes Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it has taken action to restrict the unlawful entry of xylazine active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished dosage […]