Getting Emergency Care In an emergency, you should get care from the closest hospital that can help you. That hospital will treat you regardless of whether you have insurance. Your insurance company can’t charge you more for getting emergency room services at an “out-of-network” hospital. I’m having an emergency. Should I go straight to the […]
I signed up, but don’t have health coverage. What should I do?
I signed up, but don’t have health coverage. What should I do? If you think you signed up for a health plan through the Marketplace, but haven’t received your insurance card Even though you haven’t received your insurance card, your coverage may be effective. If you need to see a doctor or get a prescription […]
Appealing Your Insurer’s Decision Not To Pay
Appealing Your Insurer’s Decision Not To Pay If your health insurance company does not cover your specific health care provider or service, you have the right to ask for an appeal. For prescription drugs, an “exceptions” process is also available. To learn more about the exceptions process, read “Know Your Rights.” Directions are listed on […]
What To Know About Getting Your Prescription Medications
Health plans will help pay the cost of certain prescription medications. You may be able to buy other medications, but medications on your plan’s “formulary” (approved list) usually will be less expensive for you. Does my new insurance plan cover my prescription? To find out which prescriptions are covered through your new Marketplace plan: • […]
What You Should Know About Seeing Your Doctor
What You Should Know About Seeing Your Doctor Most health plans give you the best deal on services when you see a doctor who has a contract with your health plan. While you may be able to see doctors who don’t contract with your plan, visiting an “in network” provider usually means you will have lower […]
Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Credential Training
There are certain knowledge areas and skills that are required to provide effective peer recovery support services to individuals living with behavioral health disorders. Certified Peer Recovery Specialists must demonstrate the ability to provide effective services including advocacy, mentoring, education, recovery support, and ethical responsibility. In addition, Certified Peer Recovery Specialists must provide services with […]
Event Type: Educational Event What: Peer Recovery Specialists are valuable resources for other persons in recovery and demonstrate how to achieve and maintain wellness. This training is designed to help peer recovery specialist who are interested in mentoring and education utilize life experience, positive relationships and self-care to increase the capacity for sustainable recovery. When: […]
What’s New Update 2013- Dr. Henry Fraimow
TB and HIV Co-Infection Update: Global Becomes Local Dr. Henry Fraimow, an infectious disease specialist and associate professor of medicine at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, spoke to a group of health care professionals on 11 April 2013 in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Fraimow discussed TB and HIV […]
What’s New Update STI, HIV, TB, Hepatitis, Family Planning and Addiction
What’s New Update STI, HIV, TB, Hepatitis, Family Planning and Addiction Event Type: Educational Event What: This conference will focus on the integration efforts that support a collaborative healthcare approach. Current medical updates in services for STDs, HIV, TB, hepatitis, family planning and addictions will be discussed. When: 11/20/2013; 9:45 AM To 3:30 PM Where: […]
SUPERVISING PEER RECOVERY SPECIALIST (Eastern Region) Event Type: Educational Event What: This one-day training is directed to individuals who are responsible for supervising peer recovery specialist (PRS). The training will assist the supervisors in identifying and directing the skills, knowledge and abilities of their PRS staff as well as supporting them in their roles. When: […]