Danya Institute Inc.


West Virginia Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors

Since our region has been redefined to now include Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia we will be spotlighting resources in these states in the upcoming months. The West Virginia Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors  is a non-profit association that is dedicated to advocacy for those impacted by substance abuse.  Visit their webpage for resources and […]

Learn Twitter for DC Policy Forum

Join us for a Webinar on November 29 Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/205392871 In preparation of next week’s ACMHA Policy Forum in Washington, DC, the Communications Committee is providing a one-hour webinar to learn Twitter.  This should enable participants to successfully tweet at the DC Policy Forum. The one hour online […]

ANTI-STIGMA TOOLKIT: A Guide to Reducing Addiction-Related Stigma

  The Danya Institute and the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center are pleased to announce that their publication: Anti-Stigma Toolkit: A Guide to Reducing Addiction-Related Stigma has been updated and is now available for free book from the Itunes bookstore. Those without Ipads can still download an electronic copy (PDF) from the ATTC network.     […]

Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation – Human Trafficking and HIV in DC

The Danya Institute is pleased to present this regular series of orignal articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare.  Our latest article is by special guest author Abby Charles, MPH, Program Manager at CommonHealth ACTION on Human Trafficking and HIV in DC.   “It ought to concern every person, because it’s a debasement of our […]

2012 Recovery Month Essay Contest!

          This is the final week to accept submissions for the 2012 Recovery  Month Essay Contest! Contest information, guidelines and submission instructions are available at: http://www.attcnetwork.org/2012essaycontest.asp

Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation – Human Trafficking 101 for Service Providers

The Danya Institute is pleased to present this regular series of orignal articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare.  Our latest article is by special guest author Denene Yates, founder and Executive Director of Safe House of Hope in Baltimore, Maryland. Human Trafficking 101: A Guide for Service Providers Twenty seven million are enslaved today.  […]

Book Review: 90 Days, A Memoir of Recovery by Bill Clegg

Book and Movie Reviews The Danya Institute and Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network are pleased to present original reviews of books and movies of special interest to our stakeholders.   90 Days, A Memoir of Recovery by Bill Clegg  This short novel  packs a lot of drama into an easy-to-read 194 pages.  A follow up […]

Group for graduate students in recovery provides opportunities for peer support and collaboration

  Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation   The Danya Institute is pleased to present this regular series of original articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare. Our latest article is by special guest author Laysha Ostrow, M.P.P. Group for graduate students in recovery provides opportunities for peer support and collaboration by […]


Fulfilling America’s Compact with our Veterans by Ron Manderscheid, PhD

Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation The Danya Institute is please to present this regular series of orignal articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare.  Our latest article is by special guest author Ron Manderscheid, PhD , Executive Director of the National Association of County Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Directors. Fulfilling America’s […]