Danya Institute Inc.



  National Addiction Treatment Week 2022 National Addiction Treatment Week 2020  


Mental Illness Awareness Week 2022 Mental Illness Awareness Week 2021 Mental Illness Awareness Week 2018 Mental Illness Awareness Week 2017 Mental Illness Awareness Week 2016


The White House released the latest National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) Federal Implementation Plan the week of August 22, 2022. More federal departments and agencies participated in the national HIV response than in the past, which demonstrates federal agencies’ commitments to meet the Strategy’s goals. The plan introduces five new NHAS indicators of progress focused on quality […]

Construction Awareness

What is Construction Opioid Awareness Week? An event for the construction industry to raise awareness and understand the potential dangers of prescription drug abuse. Who is Encouraged to Participate? Organizations of any size in the construction industry who are looking for an opportunity to show commitment to safety and compassion for their workers should participate. […]


What is World Hepatitis Day? World Hepatitis Day (WHD) takes places every year on 28 July bringing the world together under a single theme to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change. In 2022 the theme is ‘I Can’t Wait’. On World Hepatitis Day, 28 July, we call […]

BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

BIPOC Mental Health Month 2022 BIPOC Mental Health Month 2021 BIPOC Mental Health Month 2020

World No Tobacco Day

#WNTD #WorldNoTobaccoDay 2022 | #WNTD2022 #Tobacco Exposed 2021 | #WNTD2021 #CommitToQuit