Danya Institute Inc.


Pandemic’s Death Toll

From Time The Difficulty Of Counting the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Full Death Toll by Markian Hawryluk Sara Wittner had seemingly gotten her life back under control. After a December relapse in her battle with drug addiction, the 32-year-old completed a 30-day detox program and started taking a monthly injection to block her cravings for opioids. She […]

Treatment Centers Risk Closing

From NPR A New Addiction Crisis: Treatment Centers Face Financial Collapse by Yuki Noguchi Fewer patients in recent months have been showing up for drug and alcohol treatment at REACH Health Services in Baltimore. But Dr. Yngvild Olsen, the medical director there, suspects it’s not for good reasons: Some have likely relapsed or delayed drug and […]

Black Youth & Suicide

Growing Crisis: Suicide Death Rate, Attempts and Injuries among Black Youth Produced by the Central East Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) An infographic that illustrates suicide in African American youth. Sections include: Recent Findings, The Challenge What do we know? (key risk factors) What can we do? Download the infographic.

Designer Opioid Not Yet Illegal

From USA Today New designer opioid linked to overdose deaths in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana by Terry DeMio A new synthetic opiate may be contributing to the addiction crisis, showing signs of penetrating new markets, according to those who have followed it. Isotonitazene has been detected in the blood of people who died of overdoses in Illinois and Indiana, […]

May Mental Health Month & Observances

Mental Health Month #mhm2021 #4Mind4Body #Tools2Thrive Mental Health Month is a yearly observance in May that aims to reduce stigma, raise awareness, and educate the public about mental illnesses. It also aims to bring attention to suicide, which can be brought on by some mental illnesses. While 20 percent of Americans will experience a mental […]