Danya Institute Inc.


Pandemic Puts Recovery At Risk

From NPR: Opioid Addiction Is ‘A Disease Of Isolation,’ So Pandemic Puts Recovery At Risk by Martha Bebinger Before the spreading coronavirus became a pandemic, Emma went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting every week in the Boston area and to another support group at her methadone clinic. She says she felt safe, secure and never […]

COVID-19: Implications for People with SUDs

From Nora’s Blog, NIDA: COVID-19: Potential Implications for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders April 06, 2020 As people across the U.S. and the rest of the world contend with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the research community should be alert to the possibility that it could hit some populations with substance use disorders (SUDs) particularly hard. […]

DEA & SAMHSA ensure practitioners may admit & treat new patients with OUD

Letter from the DEA and SAMHSA DEA Qualifying Practitioners DEA Qualifying Other Practitioners Dear Registrant: In light of the nationwide public health emergency declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) on January 31, 2020, as a result of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is exercising its authorities […]


Providers for Medicaid Patients Go Unpaid in MD

From the Baltimore Sun Mental Health and Addiction Providers for Medicaid Patients Go Unpaid in Maryland by Meredith Cohn Doctors and others who provide mental health and addiction services in Maryland under the Medicaid program have had millions of dollars in bills go unpaid this year because a new state payment system is malfunctioning, which […]

ONDCP Releases 2020 National Drug Control Strategy and Rural Toolkit

The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) recently released the National Drug Control Strategy report as well as a guide to assist rural communities in responding to the addiction crisis. The 2020 National Strategy prioritizes increasing access to Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and supporting those in recovery with peer services, access to housing, training, education, […]

Drug Overdose Deaths Decline Slightly

From CDC NCHS For the first time in a decade, overdose deaths declined by 4.6 percent. Although great news, vigilance to bring the number of overdose deaths to zero, must continue. Continue to full report