Danya Institute Inc.


Brave New World 2013 Symposium Highlight: Fiona McTavish, MS on Using Mobile Phones and Laptops for Relapse Prevention

On March 8, 2013, Fiona McTavish, MS, shared the encouraging results of her team’s innovative research using smartphones to prevent substance abuse relapse to conference attendees at the “Brave New World: Using Technology to Enhance Behavioral Health” Symposium in Baltimore, Maryland. McTavish and her colleagues have made use of laptops and mobile phones for those […]

DC Department of Health to Launch First City-Wide Youth Synthetic Marijuana Awareness Campaign

The DC Department Health is launching the first large-scale education campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of synthetic marijuana among District youth. Fake weed is an herbal mixture that contains dried, shredded plant material and harmful chemical additives. It is sometimes labeled as “herbal incense” and sold in three-ounce plastic pouches decorated with colorful designs including cartoon characters […]

New Resources for Smoking Cessation and Prevention

Our friends at the Alliance for the Prevention & Treatment of Nicotine Addiction are happy to share their new: BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER RESOURCES DATABASE: TOBACCO USE AND DEPENDENCE While their focus is Virginia, most of the resources are useful in any state. Click here to download  the Happy, Joyous & Free mini-pamphlet 


Webinar – Meet your new clients: Hispanics and Latinos

The National Hispanic and Latino ATTC will be featuring Dr. Luis Torres, member of our panel of experts, scholar, and researcher  on co-occurring mental health, substance abuse, and medical disorders in adolescents and young adults, with particular emphasis on Latinos in the U.S. and Latin Americans in their countries of origin. Dr. Torres is assistant […]

Save the date: Advancing Latino Behavioral Health: From Margin to Mainstream Conference

  Latino Behavioral Health Institute presents our 19th Annual Conference:  “Advancing Latino Behavioral Health: From Margin to Mainstream” September 10-13, 2013 Location: Sheraton Downtown Los Angeles 711 S. Hope St. Los Angeles CA 90017 Tel: 213-488-3500 For more information visit LBHI at www.lbhi.org or contact us at 818-713-9595.

Health Leads CEO and Co-Founder Rebecca Onie on the Affordable Care Act

Health Leads CEO and Co-Founder Rebecca Onie appeared on MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” this past Saturday to discuss the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the challenges of implementation as coverage is set to extend to roughly 30 million more people in 2014. Rebecca was joined by Democratic Congresswoman Gwen Moore of Wisconsin, Former Health and Human […]

Meet Jean Bennett, PhD, Our Regional Administrator

In 2011, Jean Bennett was selected as the SAMHSA Regional Administrator responsible for the federal Region III territory which includes Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. In this new SAMHSA leadership role, Jean works closely with federal, regional and national behavioral health leaders and stakeholders to identify shared goals and […]

Resource: Alcohol Awareness Month (April) Community Bulletin Insert

The ATTC developed a 2018 version of the Alcohol Awareness Month (April).  This product can be easily downloaded and used for outreach, bulletins, newsletters or bulletin boards.  The 5½” X 8½” double-sided informational sheet provides: NIAAA low-risk drinking limits effectiveness of evidence-based treatment in bringing about recovery what persons can do to become more informed […]

Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation – Welcome to Planet Teen

2012 Mid-Atlantic Behavioral Health Conference Highlight:   Dr. Marc Fishman presents Welcome to Planet Teen, (or, This is Your Brain on Adolescence)  The Danya Institute is pleased to present this regular series of original articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare.  Our latest article is by special guest author Stephanie Sisneros.   Dr. Marc Fishman, MD, an expert […]