Danya Institute Inc.


Letter from the Executive Director: A New Year with New Beginnings

We at The Danya Institute believe in practicing what we preach, in being accepting of change and being able to successfully manage the change process. To this end, I must also share a significant internal change here at the Institute. I’ve made the decision to leave my Danya Institute family to accept the position of Deputy […]

HIV/AIDS Resource – AIDSVu: an interactive map illustrating HIV prevalence throughout the US

AIDSVu is an interactive online map illustrating the prevalence of HIV in the United States. The national, state and local map views on AIDSVu allow users to visually explore the HIV epidemic alongside critical resources such as HIV testing center locations, HIV treatment center locations, and NIH-Funded HIV Prevention & Vaccine Trials Sites. The map also lets […]


Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation – Health Exchanges Promise Sweeping Change

The Danya Institute and Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network are pleased to present this regular series of orignal articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare.  Our latest article is an in-depth look at health exchanges by special guest author Douglas Canter. Health exchanges promise sweeping change Congress enacted the Patient Protection and […]

Disaster Distress Helpline Offers Immediate Crisis Counseling

Call 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746. The recent shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, continues to bring out strong emotions across the Nation. The Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990, can provide immediate counseling to anyone who needs help in dealing with the many issues and problems that might arise from this tragedy. Sponsored by […]

HIV PrEP videoes now available

Our waiting-list-only presentation “The Role of HIV Treatment as Prevention and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)” by Drs. Richard Elion and Amanda Castel was recorded and now available on our Youtube channel.  The audience consisted of frontline healthcare providers and support teams who test for HIV infection and identify individuals who are at-high risk for HIV infection. This […]

Book Review: Redesigning Leadership by John Maeda

John Maeda’s Redesigning Leadership is a pretty little book whose insights about leadership are delivered in an easy to digest 78 pages. It has been definitively established that addictions treatment organizations are facing a severe shortage of adequately prepared leaders. While the author is not specifically coming from a behavioral healthcare background, many of his […]

Letter from the Executive Director: World AIDS Day 2012

December 1st, 2012, was the 24th year of observance of World AIDS Day. The observance was first conceived by two Global Programme on AIDS staff, James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter, in August 1987. It was first observed on December 1st, 1988. The Status Current information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that […]


Learn Twitter for DC Policy Forum

Join us for a Webinar on November 29 Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/205392871 In preparation of next week’s ACMHA Policy Forum in Washington, DC, the Communications Committee is providing a one-hour webinar to learn Twitter.  This should enable participants to successfully tweet at the DC Policy Forum. The one hour online […]

Human Trafficking 101 for Service Providers now available in Spanish

We are pleased to offer this Spanish translation of our Human Trafficking 101 for Service Providers.  Many thanks to Natalia Guevara (www.NataliaGuevaraTranslations.com) for her high quality translation services and our friends at the National Hispanic/Latino ATTC for reviewing her work.   Trata de Personas 101: Guía para Proveedores de Servicios Hoy, veintisiete millones de personas están esclavizadas. […]

DVD review: When I Came Home

The Danya Institute and Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network are pleased to present original reviews of books and movies of special interest to our stakeholders.   When I Came Home is an authentic and gritty portrait of an Iraqi war veteran’s struggle to rebuild his life back in the states.  Dan Lohaus’ powerful […]