Danya Institute Inc.


WHO to recognise video game addiction as real disorder

From Newshub. View the original article. by Dan Satherley Most parents already know it’s real, but now health officials agree: video game addiction is real. New Scientist reports the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases was last updated in 1992, and the next version – due 2018 – will recognise gaming addiction as a genuine mental […]

V.A. Issues New Medical Marijuana Policy For Military Veterans

From Forbes. View the original article. by Tom Angell Doctors with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs still can’t recommend medical marijuana, but they are being encouraged to talk more about it with military veterans. That’s what a new V.A. policy being rolled out this month says. The directive urges government doctors to “discuss with […]

Opioid Use among Teens at Historic Low with Vaping and Marijuana on the Rise

From Capitol Connector. Original article. by Katiri Zuluaga The National Institutes of Health (NIH) released its annual Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey results highlighting historic lows of cigarette, heroin and methamphetamine use and increases in vaping and marijuana use among adolescents. The study surveyed over 47,000 students in 8th, 10th and 12th grade in both public and […]

Only DC and DE in Region 3 prohibit e-cig use in worksites, restaurants, and bars

From CDC MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;66:1341-1346. State Laws Regarding Indoor Public Use, Retail Sales, and Prices of Electronic Cigarettes — U.S. States, Guam, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands, September 30, 2017 Kristy Marynak, MPP1; Brandon Kenemer, MPH1; Brian A. King, PhD1; Michael A. Tynan1; Allison MacNeil, MPH1; Elizabeth Reimels, JD1 Electronic cigarettes […]

The Latest Opioid Apps are Hot Off the HHS Data Press

From EfficientGov. Full article. by Andrea Fox To fight the opioid epidemic, the HHS opioid code-a-thon produced opioid apps that present first responders, law enforcement and physicians with new hope. After 24 straight hours of development, a half-dozen finalist teams — out of more than 50 — presented their opioid apps on December 7th at […]

CEA Estimates the Economic Cost of the Opioid Epidemic was $504 Billion in 2015

Report from the Council of Economic Advisers. The Underestimated Cost of the Opioid Epidemic Executive Summary November 2017 The opioid drug problem has reached crisis levels in the United States—in 2015, over 33,000 Americans died of a drug overdose involving opioids. CEA finds that previous estimates of the economic cost of the opioid crisis greatly […]

Chronic Pain Common Among Those Who OD on Opioids

From HealthDay. Click here to view the original article.   By Alan Mozes More than 60 percent of opioid overdose deaths involve people who suffer from chronic pain, a new analysis reveals. Many of them also struggled with depression or anxiety, the investigators found. The findings stem from a study that examined the medical backgrounds […]

NPR: Is There A Way To Keep Using Opioid Painkillers And Reduce Risk?

From NPR. by Allison Aubrey Jon McHann, 56, got started on prescription opioids the way a lot of adults in the U.S. did: He was in pain following an accident. In his case, it was a fall. “I hit my tailbone just right, and created a severe bulging disc” that required surgery, McHann says. McHann, […]