Danya Institute Inc.


Housing Support and Homeless Services – Getting Ready for the Health Insurance Marketplace Toolkit

SAMHSA Enrollment Coalition “Getting Ready for the Health Insurance Marketplace” Toolkit This toolkit explains the health care law and how it helps people with mental and substance use disorders; outlines how to use the Health Insurance Marketplace; and provides a wealth of communications ideas and materials with a focus on getting the word out to […]

Movie Review: No Kidding! Me 2!!

No Kidding! Me 2!! is both the title of a film and the non-profit organization behind it dedicated to “stomping the stigma” surrounding mental “dis-ease”. The documentary is the directorial debut of actor Joe Pantoliano, who has appeared in such films and TV series as The Sopranos, The Matrix and Memento. Pantoliano’s goal is to make brain disease “cool […]


Affordable Care Act Resources

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): Enrollment  and consumer information: www.healthcare.gov Health Insurance Marketplace Information: http://marketplace.cms.gov/ The Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight: www.cciio.cms.gov Multimedia information:  http://marketplace.cms.gov/getofficialresources/multimedia/multimedia.html Widgets and Badges:  http://marketplace.cms.gov/getofficialresources/widgets-and-badges/mp-badges-english.html Health and Human Services (HHS): HHS Website:  http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): HRSA: https://www.hrsa.gov/get-health-care/affordable/index.html Webinar : Potential Impacts of the […]

Learn more about the uninsured in your area

The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) has put together useful in-depth demographic information for the uninsured in every region of the country. Those in our Region 3 can click on their state below: Delaware District of Columbia Maryland Pennyslvania Virginia West Virginia Our readers in other parts of the country can click here to […]


Movie Review: The New Black

The New Black is an engaging and timely documentary by Yoruba Richen “that tells the story of how the African-American community is grappling with the gay rights issue in light of the recent gay marriage movement and the fight over civil rights.” The film demonstrates that while stigma against homosexuality certainly exists in some segments […]

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Affordable Care Act Resource List

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): Enrollment  and consumer information: www.healthcare.gov Health Insurance Marketplace Information: http://marketplace.cms.gov/ The Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight: www.cciio.cms.gov Publications and Articles:  http://marketplace.cms.gov/getofficialresources/publications-and-articles/publications-and-articles.html Multimedia information:  http://marketplace.cms.gov/getofficialresources/multimedia/multimedia.html Widgets and Badges:  http://marketplace.cms.gov/getofficialresources/widgets-and-badges/mp-badges-english.html Spanish materials:  http://marketplace.cms.gov/getofficialresources/spanish-materials/spanish-materials.html Other language materials:  http://marketplace.cms.gov/getofficialresources/other-languages/other-languages-materials.html Fact Sheets for other programs such as SNAP, WIC, Head Start, […]

A Look at the New DSM-5

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) released the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) in May 2013.  Like the DSM-IV-TR, which it replaced, the DSM-5 provides diagnostic criteria – descriptions and symptoms – for every known mental disorder. It is considered the leading resource for making psychiatric diagnoses and is used […]


Metropolitan Baltimore’s 7th Annual Recovery Rally, Run & Walk

Find out about events all over the country here. . . 09/14/2013 8:00 AM –  2:00 PM Participants in the 7th Annual Recovery Walk and Rally will walk/run around the Reservoir at Druid Hill Park, followed by a Rally at the Sundial pavilion. At the Park participants will learn more about treatment and recovery from local […]


Information and Communication Technology to Promote Smoking Cessation

Steven Meredith, PhD, was one of the presenters at the March 8, 2013 Clinical Trials Network’s Symposium entitled “Brave New World: Using Technology to Enhance Behavioral Health”. In his talk, “Information and Communication Technology to Promote Smoking Cessation” he discusses how Web and computer based interventions may increase the effectiveness of efforts to quit smoking. […]

Addiction Health Services Research Conference- Registration Open

October 23 – 25, 2013 in Portland, OR Theme: Translating Research into Policy and Practice   Oregon Health & Science University is pleased to host the 2013 Addiction Health Services Research Conference (AHSR 2013) in Portland, Oregon, the Rose City. The research base includes studies of neurochemistry, analysis of genetic influences, advanced imaging of brain function, […]