Health Leads CEO and Co-Founder Rebecca Onie appeared on MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” this past Saturday to discuss the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the challenges of implementation as coverage is set to extend to roughly 30 million more people in 2014. Rebecca was joined by Democratic Congresswoman Gwen Moore of Wisconsin, Former Health and Human […]
Meet Jean Bennett, PhD, Our Regional Administrator
In 2011, Jean Bennett was selected as the SAMHSA Regional Administrator responsible for the federal Region III territory which includes Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. In this new SAMHSA leadership role, Jean works closely with federal, regional and national behavioral health leaders and stakeholders to identify shared goals and […]
Resource: Alcohol Awareness Month (April) Community Bulletin Insert
The ATTC developed a 2018 version of the Alcohol Awareness Month (April). This product can be easily downloaded and used for outreach, bulletins, newsletters or bulletin boards. The 5½” X 8½” double-sided informational sheet provides: NIAAA low-risk drinking limits effectiveness of evidence-based treatment in bringing about recovery what persons can do to become more informed […]
Meet Renata J. Henry, M.ED., our new Executive Director
The Danya Institute has named Renata J. Henry as Project Director for the Region 3 Central East Addiction Technology Center. Ms. Henry has over thirty five years of experience in the behavioral health field, serving in clinical and administrative positions in community-based mental health, substance abuse organizations and leadership positions in state and county government. […]
The Tic-Tac-Toe Board
The Tic-Tac-Toe Board Event Type: Educational Event What: This second webinar will introduce participants to the use of the tic-tac-toe board. Participants will discover how this simple tool can be extremely useful in case management and for breaking larger goals into to smaller, achievable steps. Participants will learn how this method can use low-cost prizes […]
Implementation Software and Other Practical implementation Tips
Implementation Software and Other Practical implementation Tips Event Type: Educational Event What: This final webinar will discuss the importance of data collection with tips for how this can be done. We will demonstrate an implementation software program that can help you track patient progress, prize inventory, and trends. Participants will brainstorm low cost resources for […]
Voucher Systems and the Fishbowl Method
Voucher Systems and the Fishbowl Method Event Type: Educational Event What: This third webinar will introduce to participants the Fishbowl Method. Originally conceived by Nancy Petry, this draw method with low-cost prizes was designed to take advantage of intermittent reinforcement to make incentives affordable to community programs. We will discuss what makes this style so […]
Introduction to Incentives
Introduction to Incentives Event Type: Educational Event What: This first webinar will introduce participants to a NIDA researched clinical tool, the evidence based practice of motivational incentives, or contingency management as it is sometimes called. We will begin with an overall discussion of incentives: why we use them, the principles on which they are based, […]
Art With Impact – Mental Health Short Film Competition
One of Art With Impact‘s goals is to use short film to create awareness and discussion about mental health. In order to achieve that goal it sponsors a monthly short film contest. Winning filmmaker to receive $1,000 cash prize and have work featured in campus events around the country. Film projects can be up to […]
Trends in Behavioral Healthcare: Join the Conversation – Health Exchanges Promise Sweeping Change
The Danya Institute and Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network are pleased to present this regular series of orignal articles on trends in the field of behavioral healthcare. Our latest article is an in-depth look at health exchanges by special guest author Douglas Canter. Health exchanges promise sweeping change Congress enacted the Patient Protection and […]