From NPR Is ‘Gaming Disorder’ An Illness? WHO Says Yes, Adding It To Its List Of Diseases by Anya Kamenetz They are popular. They are controversial. And now, video games have just become an internationally recognized addiction. On May 25, the World Health Organization officially voted to adopt the latest edition of its International Classification […]
ATTC OUD Packages
HHS 5 Point Opioid Strategy
Prescription opioids may not be reason behind high overdose death for veterans
From UPI Heroin, synthetic opioids fuel veterans’ overdose spike, study says By Tauren Dyson The overprescription of opioids to reduce pain may not be driving the high overdose death for veterans, new findings show. Between 2010 and 2016, veteran deaths from opioid overdoses spiked 65 percent, according to a study published Wednesday in American Journal of […]
Historic Donation of HIV Prevention Drugs
From the Washington Post. Drugmaker to donate HIV-prevention pills for as many as 200,000 people by Lenny Bernstein The pharmaceutical company that makes a once-a-day pill that protects users against HIV has agreed to donate enough medication to cover as many as 200,000 people for 11 years, the Trump administration announced Thursday. Gilead Sciences, the […]
Opioid execs guilty of racketeering
From the New York Times. Top Executives of Insys, an Opioid Company, Are Found Guilty of Racketeering By Gabrielle Emanuel and Katie Thomas BOSTON — A federal jury on Thursday found the top executives of Insys Therapeutics, a company that sold a fentanyl-based painkiller, guilty of racketeering charges in a rare criminal prosecution that blamed corporate officials for […]
FDA approves generic naloxone
From the FDA. FDA approves first generic naloxone nasal spray to treat opioid overdose Agency is also taking new steps to support development of over-the-counter and additional generics of naloxone to help reduce opioid overdose deaths, increase access to emergency treatment For Immediate Release: April 19, 2019 The U.S. Food and […]
Doctors charged with illegal opioid prescriptions
From the Washington Post. Doctors in five states charged with prescribing pain killers for cash, sex by Sari Horwitz and Scott Higham Dozens of medical professionals in five states were charged Wednesday with participating in the illegal prescribing of more than 32 million pain pills, including doctors who prosecutors said traded sex for prescriptions and […]