Danya Institute Inc.


CEA Estimates the Economic Cost of the Opioid Epidemic was $504 Billion in 2015

Report from the Council of Economic Advisers. The Underestimated Cost of the Opioid Epidemic Executive Summary November 2017 The opioid drug problem has reached crisis levels in the United States—in 2015, over 33,000 Americans died of a drug overdose involving opioids. CEA finds that previous estimates of the economic cost of the opioid crisis greatly […]

Chronic Pain Common Among Those Who OD on Opioids

From HealthDay. Click here to view the original article.   By Alan Mozes More than 60 percent of opioid overdose deaths involve people who suffer from chronic pain, a new analysis reveals. Many of them also struggled with depression or anxiety, the investigators found. The findings stem from a study that examined the medical backgrounds […]

Holly Ireland joins the Danya Institute as Central East ATTC Co-Project Director

Holly Ireland, LCSW-C joined The Danya Institute/Central East ATTC team as Co-Project Director on Monday, November 27, 2017. Holly has 27 years’ experience working in the behavioral health field, beginning her career as a Residential Rehabilitation Counselor while working on her undergraduate degree in psychology at Towson University. She graduated from University of Maryland, Baltimore […]

NPR: Is There A Way To Keep Using Opioid Painkillers And Reduce Risk?

From NPR. by Allison Aubrey Jon McHann, 56, got started on prescription opioids the way a lot of adults in the U.S. did: He was in pain following an accident. In his case, it was a fall. “I hit my tailbone just right, and created a severe bulging disc” that required surgery, McHann says. McHann, […]

Dialogue newsletter November 2017

Click to read the entire November 2017 Dialogue. To sign up for the Dialogue and other news, click here.

Is There A Way To Keep Using Opioid Painkillers And Reduce Risk?

By NPR. Click here to view the entire article or to hear it online. by Allison Aubrey Jon McHann, 56, got started on prescription opioids the way a lot of adults in the U.S. did: he was in pain following an accident. In his case, it was a fall. “I hit my tailbone just right, […]

Naloxone Reverses 93% of Overdoses, but Many Recipients Don’t Survive a Year

From CNN. Click here to view the entire article/report. By Nadia Kounang As the opioid overdose epidemic continues to surge, public health officials and first responders have turned to naloxone, the drug that reverses overdose, to help combat the rising tide. New research from Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston shows its effectiveness. A review […]

America’s Drug Overdose Death Rate Keeps Getting Worse: CDC

From the Huffington Post. Click here to read the article in its entirety. by Sarah Ruiz-Grossman The opioid crisis is killing more and more Americans each year. More Americans are dying from drug overdoses than ever, a dire consequence of the country’s opioid crisis. Deaths from drug overdoses rose dramatically in the last quarter of […]

Well-Being Guide for Addiction Professionals

Work and Well-Being: A Guide for Addiction Professionals This booklet identifies common workplace stressors for addiction professionals and offers evidence-based, practical strategies and resources to promote healthy lifestyles and productive professional lives. It is intended to assist agencies to create supportive work environments as well as provide guidance to employees on enhancing their own well-being. […]